Palermo - the capital of Mafia

We once again started the day with a tasty and sweet breakfast in our hotel. The day was sunny and before eleven o'clock we were already driving towards Palermo along the Messina - Palermo highway. We had to pay 5.50 euros for the highway and I guess it was worth it. The drive took about two hours and just before Palermo we visited a beautiful villa in Bagheria.

The two volcanos, visible from our hotel, were having a smoke break.

Piraino - the small town where we reside

A beautiful villa on the way to Palermo

Some flower on the yard of the villa

A lizard was hiding in a palm tree.

Finding a place for parking is always a problem in Sicily and Palermo was no exception. The fact that we didn't know what all the parking related signs meant didn't make things any easier. Eventually we just left our car to a parking place and didn't really know if we were supposed to pay or not. We didn't.

Perhaps the main square of Palermo? :)

One of the huge churches one can admire in Palermo

And another one

The day was the warmest so far and I was walking in a t-shirt. The city seemed to be dirty but some of the buildings and squares are really nice. We wanted to use the toilet in McDonald's but there were guards inside! Apparently we should have bought something to use their restroom facilities. First time for everything. We walked for roughly two hours and saw a couple of nice Catholic churches and the main post office. Once again we had small troubles finding the place where we left our car but we were happy to see that we didn't have to pay anything when we finally found the place :).

One more big church!

An art picture

Another small problem in Sicily is eating. It feels like every time you are hungry they're having siesta. And you guessed it, it happened in Palermo too. We gave up pretty fast and just ate in a McDonald's. The food sucks but at least you know the price and they have toilets. Wi-Fi didn't work though.

The honeymooners

Tourist information centers were scarce in Sicily so we again didn't have a map and weren't sure if we had seen the biggest sights in Palermo or not. We were driving around with hopes to find something to see. On the way we bought some gasoline for 1.4 euros per liter, a typical price at that time. After filling up we saw a brown sign showing a way to some church. We thought that it might be something beautiful and started following the route. In no time we found ourselves on what must have been the narrowest road so far. It was more than once when we had to stop the car and reverse for a while to let other cars pass. In a while we drove up a big hill and found the church. The church itself wasn't worth the drive but at least we had a great view over the city and some more driving experience too :)!

Palermo landscape

After seeing the church we wanted to find a way out of the city and head back to our hotel. By accident we found signs leading to the center and decided to give it another try. And I'm glad we did because soon we saw a couple of really beautiful and big buildings right next to us. One of them was the famous cathedral of Palermo and the other one the palace of Palermo. We left our car to have a short walk around the area and took a lot of photos.

The famous cathedral of Palermo in the night

We considered ourselves really lucky to have seen the amazing buildings and headed back to Piraino and our hotel. We didn't recognise any Mafiosos but otherwise our visit to Palermo was a success!


#1 Julia  (reg.)  -  09.01.2011 11:39
hah, that falling star on the famous cathedral looks strange %) like smth inappropriate. and the first pic is smth breathtaking! you both look great, so rested and happy :)
#2 Milton  (reg.)  -  17.01.2011 00:36
Stars like that (falling or not) were hung all over Sicily. It looked like they were still celebrating the new year :). It's good that Inna told me to take the first photo as it was the only time when we actually saw smoke coming from the volcanos.
#3 Inna  (reg.)  -  06.02.2011 21:14
Italians really have problems with Xmas trees there in winter :)
#4 Milton  (reg.)  -  07.02.2011 13:25
In this picture they at least have an actual tree instead of one made of plastic bottles :).
#5 Veronika  -  07.02.2011 16:38
Hello, guys. Finally I found some time to check these beautiful pictures of yours more properly :P Are those volcanos in the bluish picture the Lipari Islands? :) When we were in Sicily we thought it would be nice to take a ferry to the islands but the price was quite high.
#6 Julia  (reg.)  -  13.02.2011 14:09
heh, it seems that parking in Italy is always a problem...our Italian friends had problems both with finding way somewhere and finding a place to park %)
#7 Milton  (reg.)  -  13.02.2011 20:31
We actually saw many empty places for parking but we hardly ever knew if it was free or not. The signs differed quite a lot from those in Finland and we couldn't tell if we were allowed or disallowed to park for example between 14 and 16. Perhaps someone will enlighten me one day :).
#8 Julia  (reg.)  -  13.02.2011 21:44
heh=) the worst experience we had was in Pisa...Africans occupied all free parking places and asked money for parking a car :/ and traffic in Rome was smth chaotic))
#9 Milton  (reg.)  -  16.02.2011 04:26
They have really figured out all the possible ways to make money it seems! I'm glad I haven't run into this behavior yet. I can only imagine what it is like in Rome. The traffic in Catania was chaotic enough for me!
#10 Inna  (reg.)  -  16.02.2011 12:28
To #5 Veronika:
They were volcanos in Tyrrhenian sea and probably they are Lipari islands, like you said. We didn't check their names really. :)
Do you remember what was the price to get to those islands by ferry?
#11 Veronika  -  26.02.2011 17:04
I don´t remember the exact price. The trip from Villa san Giovanni to Messina cost about 30 euros/one way/one car so the ticket to the Liparis could be up to 100 euros (very roughly; depends on route chosen etc.). Maybe it would be worth it but it didn´t feel like we get bored when we don´t go to the Liparis. Would you like to visit the Liparis? (I would but not in next years).




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