01.06.2018  - GDPR and SSL update

Most of you probably have heard about the new EU GDPR legislation. This website uses very few cookies and those aren't the problem, but because some personal information is being collected from users who sign up, I had to create a privacy policy for the site.

The legislation also states that users must be able to view all the information regarding them that has been saved. In addition users must be able to remove all their personal information if they so wish. Both of these things can now be done through the Account page. Comments made by registered users will not be removed when the user is removed but anonymized instead.

In addition to GDPR stuff I just head about a service that provides SSL certificates for free. Finally this website is somewhat secure and people can type in their passwords without being afraid ;). I forced the site to use SSL/HTTPS. Let me know if you notice things (pages, images, links) that do not work. Thank you!





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