Welcome to uncle Joni's travel stories

24.12.2011  - New Internet connection incoming

Unfortunately I've been really busy lately with my Master's thesis and there haven't been any updates here. I haven't forgotten about the page though, and I'll add short stories of Spain and Italy before long!

I should also get a new Internet connection with massively improved upload capacity next week. After the upgrade the load times especially for pictures should decrease drastically.

23.09.2011  - Trip report for Easter Ukraine finished

It's been silent here for a too long time now. I finally finished the report for my Easter visit to Ukraine. The peak list is also updated with a few new mountains I climbed this autumn. I'll write short stories of those trips eventually!

11.06.2011  - Changes under the hood

Once again I've done a lot for the page, and the end users can't notice it! Anyway it should be a lot easier for me to make changes to the page, and the database has been re-designed almost completely.

It's quite likely that something is broken so let me know as soon as you notice something out of ordinary!

11.04.2011  - A new server!

The server these pages are on has been updated now. The old server was a 700 MHz Athlon from the year 2000, and the currect one is 3500+ Athlon 64 with two gigabytes of ram. Especially the gallery should work a lot faster than before. Let me know of any malfunctions you might encounter!

05.04.2011  - A minor change to comments-section

The edit button for comments has changed a bit. You can now edit a comment by pressing a small edit icon that is located next to the header.

27.03.2011  - Paging added to the comments-section

I added one more feature for the comments. The comments section has its own paging now. This might not be so necessary at the moment but with more comments coming in it's nicer to be able to only load a some of them at a time. The comment limit per page is set to six for testing purposes. Please test if the paging works and report any bugs to me. Thank you for your assistance! You can check the paging for example on the bottom of this home page.

27.03.2011  - Comment-section advances!

I added a couple of new features for the site, and they are both connected to commenting. First one of them makes it possible to add empty lines to your comments so that you can actually write paragraphs instead of just a huge chunk of text. Empty lines can be added simply by pressing enter :).

The other feature lets people, who have signed up and logged in, edit the comments they have written in the past. There's an "Edit comment" link under each comment you have written, and by pressing that you will be taken to the editing page. You might find the feature handy should you ever make mistake you want to fix.

26.03.2011  - The massive Asia trip report is finally ready!

Believe it or not, but the report for Asia is ready! I might still be adding a few paragraphs here and there when something new comes to mind, but it's done anyway! I'm sure there are spelling errors and grammar mistakes so please tell me about them so I can fix them!

Now go and read the story! I hope you all will like it!

20.03.2011  - Walls thicken

The security updates are done. Let me know if you notice something that doesn't work properly!

Thanks to Julia for reporting a bug :)!

18.03.2011  - Security updates

I'm making some security updates for the page. I hope this won't be affecting the users! When I'm done, the page should be safer against hackers and ready for bigger audience ;).

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#1 Milton  (reg.)  -  24.10.2010 03:22
Feel free to comment!
#2 Inna  -  24.10.2010 14:56
Joni has time to write about our Asian trip! And you will be able to read a list of funny/strange things we noticed in Asian countries ;)
#3 Milton  (reg.)  -  27.10.2010 00:58
#4 Milton  (reg.)  -  27.10.2010 04:34
Everything seems to be working for now...report any bugs here in comments or by email or in IRC (Milton @ quakenet). Thanks.
#5 Julia  (reg.)  -  27.10.2010 16:32
heh, great work! I also appreciate the time you've written your comments ;P
#6 Milton  (reg.)  -  28.10.2010 02:24
I changed the style of the page a bit :L.
#7 Julia  (reg.)  -  16.03.2011 20:57
new sections are really great! thanks for all your work, it's so interesting to read everything =)
#8 Milton  (reg.)  -  16.03.2011 22:15
Thanks for your kind words and of course for reading! It's great to hear that someone is reading it all!
#9 Julia  (reg.)  -  28.03.2011 17:26
Congratulations with ending the Asia report!=) And thaaaank you a lot for an opportunity to edit a comment)) really handy :)
#10 Milton  (reg.)  -  28.03.2011 20:45
Thanks for reading and for reporting bugs Julia! Your ability to notice changes is unbelievable! :)

Let's hope the possibility for editing comments will make people comment more as they don't have to be afraid of mistakes anymore :).
#11 Inna  (reg.)  -  11.04.2011 12:05
Good job, baby! Everything works for me :) I hope no one will complain ;).
#12 Milton  (reg.)  -  11.04.2011 16:48
Thank you! I hope everything will work for everyone else too! I haven't found any more bugs so far :).

Edited by Milton - 11.06.2011 12:25
#13 Julia  (reg.)  -  23.09.2011 20:25
yaaaay! welcome back here ;) hope to read more exciting stories)))
#14 Milton  (reg.)  -  23.12.2012 19:56
Oh, thank you! Sorry for being very, very, very late with the reply :-[. I haven't been here in a while, but I'm back in business now :). At least one new story coming up in the nearish future!

Edited by Milton - 10.01.2013 21:49
#15 Julia  (reg.)  -  28.01.2013 17:58
Wow, sounds really great! Looking forward to read it :)




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